Fried Pork Ribs with Garlic


I love pork ribs. I prefer meat that comes with bones and a bit of fat over the lean pieces. And pork ribs is one of my favorite part. I love to cook it both eastern and western style, braised, grilled, roasted, fried, boiled, you name it.

In Thailand we like to make this garlic fried dishes. You can garlic fried anything, fish, beef, chicken, pork, you name it. This dish the quickest and simplest recipe to prepare and to cook. And it tastes super yummy.

🍖 Ingredients:

~ 2 racks of pork ribs 

~ 1 tbsp fish sauce 

~ 2 tbsp seasoning sauce (Maggie) / soya sauce

~ 1 tbsp oyster sauce 

~ 2 tsp ground pepper 

~ 1 whole garlic, roughly chopped

~ cooking oil for frying

How to:

✔️ Cut the ribs into pieces and marinate with fish sauce, seasoning sauce, oyster sauce and ground pepper

✔️ Heat up the oil and fry garlic in medium heat until golden brown, and set it aside.

✔️ Fry the marinated ribs with medium heat until golden brown. 

✔️Pour crispy garlic on top of fried ribs before serve.
