Chicken With Fried Garlic and Pepper


If you want to make a quick Thai food but also bored of Thai curry menus, I recommend you to try to make this dish. It is very simple to make. You can get all of the ingredients from your local supermarket. And you can change the protein source to anything you like, e.g. pork, beef, fish, seafood, liver, you name it.

Fried garlic and pepper dish is also one of the famous Thai street food. We usually order it as a combo with fried eggs. Cucumber slices and Nam Pla Prik (fish sauce with chili dip) will be served together as well.

Chicken with fried garlic and pepper

Ingredients: (2 servings)

~ 500 g. Chicken, cut to bite size

~ 5 tbsp roughly chopped garlic

~ 2 tbsp oyster sauce 

~ 2 tbsp seasoning sauce (Maggie) / soya sauce

~ 2 tbsp fish sauce

~ 2 tsp sugar

~ 1 tsp grounded pepper

~ 1 cup cooking oil

How to:

✔️ Marinate chicken with all the seasonings and leave it marinate for at least 15 mins. 

✔️ Heat up the oil to fry the chopped garlic in medium high heat until golden brown, remove fried garlic from the pan and set it aside.

✔️Add marinated chicken to the the same pan that you used to fry the garlic. Fried the chicken in high heat until it is slightly caramelized brown. Then turn off the heat.

✔️ Add the fried garlic back to pan and mix it with the chicken.

Chili dip


~ 2 tbsp fish sauce

~ 1 tsp lime juice

~ 1 clove of garlic, sliced

~ 3-4 fresh chilis, sliced

How to:

✔️ Mix everything together and enjoy.😉
