Thai Chicken Satay


Another famous appetizer at a Thai restaurant is chicken Satay. There are so many versions of Satay made in South East Asia. In Thailand, the most famous one that you usually sell on the street vendors is pork Satay. Despite the differences in protein sources, the marinade is almost the same in every region.

This is a Thai version of chicken Satay. It always served with a peanut red curry sauce and a sweet and sour cucumber salad.  I made my chicken Satay with chicken breast fillets because it has just the right size to put on a skewer. And it wouldn’t be too dry, like the breast part. I would also recommend to use chicken thigh fillets too.


Chicken Satay Marinade

~ 500 g. Chicken breast fillet

~ 1/2 cup coconut milk for marinade

~ 1 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

~ 1/2 tsp curry powder

~ 1 tbsp coriander seeds powder

~ 1 1/2 tsp cumin powder

~ 1/2 tsp ground pepper

~ 1 tbsp lemongrass, minced 

~ 1 tbsp galangal, minced

~ 1 1/2 tbsp sugar

~ 1 tbsp salt

~ wooden skewers that soaked in water overnight

~ 1/2 cup coconut milk for basting

Peanut Red Curry Sauce

~ 300 g. coconut milk

~ 200 g. roasted peanut, finely chopped 

~ 20 g. Massaman curry paste

~ 20 g. red curry paste

~ 80 g. palm sugar / sugar

~ 4 tbsp tamarind paste

~ 1/2 tsp salt

Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad

~ 50 g. sugar

~ 1/2 tsp salt

~ 1/2 cup vinegar 

~ 1 tbsp water

~ 20 g. cucumber, sliced

~ 15 g. shallots or red onion, sliced

~ 15 g. chili pepper, sliced

~ 15 g. coriander 

How to:

Chicken Satay

✔️Marinade the chicken overnight or at least 3 hrs in a fridge. (and don’t forget to soak the wooden skewers in water too.)

✔️Thread the marinated chicken on a skewer. And grill it on medium high heat for 2-3 mins each side, until it has a nicely charred color. Baste and brush the chicken Satay with coconut milk while grilling.

Peanut Red Curry Sauce

✔️ Add about 1/2 cup of creamy part of coconut milk or 100 ml coconut milk and Massaman and red curry paste to a pot. Cook the paste in low heat for 5 mins until it developed red oil on the surface.

✔️ Add the rest of coconut milk to the pot. Then add sugar, salt and tamarind paste to pot. Cook the sauce on medium heat for 15 mins, until the sauce is reduced a bit, and turn off the heat.

✔️Add chopped roasted peanut to the sauce before served.

Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad

✔️ Add sugar, vinegar, salt and water to a saucepan. Cook it on medium heat until the sugar is melted.

✔️Once the dressing is cooling down. Add veggies to the dressing before served.